To Promote Men's Health in our Community
We now meet regularly Tuesday to Friday, 8:30 to 12.30 - DETAILS HERE

The physical and mental well being of men is improved by belonging to a Men's Shed.
Our Aims
Our aim is to improve the health of men in our community.
The Maroochy Men's Shed gives men a safe and friendly place to get together a few times each week. Mateship, men’s health, woodwork, metalwork, the discussion group, the camera group, the music group are all vital to the success of our Shed.
Who are we?
In September 2012 three Maroochydore Rotarians asked the question, “Is a Men’s Shed needed in Maroochydore?” From that initial meeting of 12 potential members we have grown to over 100 members and growing fast. We owe a debt of gratitude to Terry Welch, our secretary, who has allowed us to meet at his industrial shed in Kuluin from the beginning.
We are an incorporated Shed, affiliated with the Queensland and Australian Men’s Shed Association. We are a not for profit organisation providing a safe environment for our members to work with fellow Shedders.
Our Facilities
Our new shed at 11 Progress Road now provides a large air conditioned meeting hall and a well set up workshop, as well as a library and seperate meeting room. We regularly invite visiting speakers. A very active camera club, plus music, gardening and health groups.
The workshop allows woodwork and metalwork, with equipment for large and small projects
Links with Our Community
While our members are encouraged to use the wood and metalworking equipment to make items for themselves, most of the work we do is to assist our community. We make toys and equipment for local kindergartens and schools, the community centre and community gardens. We have close ties to the Maroochydore Lions and Rotary Clubs, and make items such as ramps for locals who have approached these clubs for assistance.
Our Funding
As a not-for-profit organisation, we receive no funding from government departments. We pay our own way! Our funding is derived as follows:
Member’s subscriptions, which we strive to keep to a minimum.
Proceeds from the Bridge Hotel Friday Raffle, which our members help to run. The Bridge Hotel management has generously selected our shed as the non-profit organisation they will support.
Sausage sizzles.
Various businesses that pay us to build assemble or maintain their assets. These included the Sunshine Coast Council, Maroochydore RSL and Bunning’s.
Our gardens provide fresh vegetables for Urban Anges, an organisation providing frozen meal for people needing support.

Our New Shed is Now Open - 11 Progress Road, Kuluin 4558, QLD
(07) 5443 8372
Our Shed is open: Monday to Friday mornings between 8:30 and 12:30 for members working on projects, and those wanting a cuppa and a chat.
Please Note: Our formal weekly meeting is Tuesday Morning 9 to 12am. Men wanting to join our shed, or discuss projects, should do so at this time when the Management team are available.
Membership fees $60.00 per year or $30.00 per half year. There is a $50 joining fee
Shed attendance $5.00 per week
Please feel free to come along on a Shed day to find out more.
The Maroochy Men's Shed (MMS) is a Queensland Incorporated Association (Inc. No IA40548)
Australian Business Register (ABN 43763985123).
MMS is a financial member of the Australian Shed Association (Mem. No. AMSA100821).
We have ATO tax-free status for gifts and donations.
We are a ACNC Registered Health Promotion Charity.
For general information on Men's Sheds visit "www.mensshed.org" .

Ground Breaking Ceremony. December 28 2019
Our Generous Sponsors